Request Stolpersteine

Who can apply

Anyone can request a Stolperstein. The project is a grassroot movement that everyone can join.

You can request a Stolperstein from the foundation for Amsterdam, Amstelveen and Utrecht as a private individual, but also associations, schools, organisations, families, etc..

You can submit an application for a Stolperstein in another place in the Netherlands at the other foundations. 

Stichting Stolpersteine explicitly never places Stolpersteine against the will of relatives of victims. If a complaint is made by the surviving relatives after the placement, the Stolperstein is removed

In general, relatives are  positive about residents who request Stolpersteine.  They like to be involved and often attend the placement ceremonies. If the search for your family members turns out to be difficult our team members who can provide tips and support.  

For whom can you apply for a Stolperstein?

Most of Stolpersteine are placed in memory of Jewish victims of the Holocaust.
But Stolpersteine ​​can also be placed for:
  • Survivors of the Nazi regime
  • Sinti and Roma
  • Homosexuals
  • Physically or mentally disabled,
  • Jehovah’s Witnesses
  • People with dark skin color
  • Members of the communist party
  • Members of the social democratic party
  • Resistance fighters
  • The Christian opposition (both Protestants and Catholics)
  • Masonic
  • International Brigade soldiers in the Spanish Civil War
  • Military deserters
  • Conscientious objectors
  • Escape helpers
  • Capitulants
  • “Ordinary criminals”
  • Looters
  • People accused of treason
  • People who have committed military disobedience
  • People who undermined the Nazi army
  • Allied soldiers

The following information is required for the application:

  • Details about yourself
  • Full name of the victim
  • Date of birth [of the victim]
  • Date and place of detention
  • Date and location of internment
  • Date and location of expulsion
  • Date and place of death
  • Street name and house number of the Stolperstein location in Amsterdam, Amstelveen or Utrecht.

Following your request

After submitting your request you will receive a confirmation by email. After processing your request we will contact you for the final inscription om the Stolperstein. 

We will also discuss with you a date for the placement of the Stolperstein in Amsterdam, Amstelveen or Utrecht.

Stolpersteine outside of Amsterdam, Amstelveen or Utrecht

If you want to have a Stolperstein placed in other location in the Netherlands or in another country, please contact the relevant foundation.


The costs for one Stolperstein are currently € 150.

This amount is spent entirely on the costs of production, logistics, administration and installation of the Stolperstein.

You will receive an invoice after the Stolperstein has been laid.

You can also support Stichting Stolpersteine without an application. We are grateful for any donation, small or large [so that we can continue to do our work] Click Here.


The laying of the Stolpersteine takes place in the public space, so it is not a private event and everyone can participate.

You are free to invite guests and the press and organise a ceremony – exactly as you wish.

The laying does not last much longer than 20 minutes on average.

In the case of the presence of Gunter Demnig, we ask that the ceremony be held during the laying because Gunter Demnig must go immediately to the next location  afterwards.

Your data will never be shared with others and processed confidentially according to the guidelines of Dutch privacy legislation.

Support us

Stichting Stolpersteine is an officially recognised charitable not-for-profit organisation. This has been confirmed by the Dutch government with an ANBI status. This guarantees that all donations are used for the purpose of the foundation; the laying of Stolpersteine.

We currently work exclusively with volunteers and donations to cover the costs of laying the Stolpersteine.

If you want to support the work of the Stichting Stolpersteine, you can donate via:

Bank: IBAN: NL34TRIO2018081322 – Stichting Stolpersteine